Target Market Research by Isaac

We will be targeting the teenage market audience. 
When deciding which target audience to pick, there was many different things which had to be considered. The following was everything that we needed to know about to take into account the choice we were going to make:
  1. Which target market audience could potentially bring in the most profit?
  2. What target market audience would specifically watch a movie due to the genre being a horror?
  3. What group of people will enjoy being scared and what group of people have the biggest social circle?
I felt it was an easy decision to pick the teenage market because I believe that what they like the most does influence a variety of movies which are in cinemas at the moment.  I saw that the teenage market likes a variety of different film genres but the one which came up the most was the Sci-Fi, Horror movies and Drama movies.  The drama movies which are enjoyed are British ones where the directer used their life experience to make the movie.  This is because in London, people can experience some parts of the movie on a daily basis so enjoy to see it in movies.  Teenagers also enjoy being scared because it makes the heart pump faster and they like horrors which are based on true stories.   I know that the teenage market will be the best to target because I am a teenager myself so I know what teenagers enjoy which I can use to my advantage.  I will be able to ask my peers for feedback and criticism and take that on board when designing my opening scene.
Target Market Research by Isaac Target Market Research by Isaac Reviewed by Isaac on 11:39 am Rating: 5

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